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The Tiles layout component is to be used to render a grid of components with equal spacing. The number of columns can be responsively set and tiles will automatically wrap to new lines.


npm install @nib/layout


import {Tiles} from '@nib/layout';

Do not style layout components

You must not apply styled-components to this component as it will interfere with the structure required for the current styling. This is true for all layout components.

Interactive demo

<Tiles space={{xs: 4, md: 6}} columns={{md: 2}}>
  <LargePlaceholder>First tile</LargePlaceholder>
  <LargePlaceholder>Second tile</LargePlaceholder>
  <LargePlaceholder>Third tile</LargePlaceholder>
  <LargePlaceholder>Fourth tile</LargePlaceholder>
  <LargePlaceholder>Fifth tile</LargePlaceholder>


children (required)nodeThe children of the tiles layout.
spacenumber or objectA size from our spacing scale. Can be made responsive by passing an object of breakpoints. Value(s) must be one of 1...10.
spaceVerticalnumber or objectDefines vertical spacing between the children. A size from our spacing scale. Can be made responsive by passing an object of breakpoints. Value(s) must be one of 1...10.
spaceHorizontalnumber or objectDefines horizontal spacing between the children. A size from our spacing scale. Can be made responsive by passing an object of breakpoints. Value(s) must be one of 1...10.
columnsnumber or objectThe number of columns. Can be made responsive by passing an object of breakpoints. Value(s) must be one of 1...6.
flexbooleanWhether the wrapper around each child is display:flex. Useful for forcing equal heights.


Tiles should be used for grid-style layouts. Tiles have similar columns behaviour as our Columns component but with the children widths being determined by the parent component. Tiles also automatically wraps children to a new row if the number of child components is more than the number of columns.


Often you will want less space between elements and less columns on mobile-sized screens than desktop. Both the space and columns props accept an object of breakpoints to allow responsive tiles.

<Tiles columns={{xs: 1, md: 3}} space={{xs: 4, md: 6}}>
<LargePlaceholder>First tile</LargePlaceholder>
<LargePlaceholder>Second tile</LargePlaceholder>
<LargePlaceholder>Third tile</LargePlaceholder>

Priority of space prop

When space, spaceVertical, and spaceHorizontal are defined as numbers, the space prop has the lowest priority.

<Tiles columns={{xs: 1, md: 3}} space={1} spaceHorizontal={2} spaceVertical={3}>
<LargePlaceholder>First tile</LargePlaceholder>
<LargePlaceholder>Second tile</LargePlaceholder>
<LargePlaceholder>Third tile</LargePlaceholder>

When the space prop is defined as an object, it overrides the spaceVertical and spaceHorizontal numeric values.

<Tiles columns={{xs: 1, md: 3}} space={{sm: 1}} spaceHorizontal={2} spaceVertical={3}>
<LargePlaceholder>First tile</LargePlaceholder>
<LargePlaceholder>Second tile</LargePlaceholder>
<LargePlaceholder>Third tile</LargePlaceholder>

DOM element

The Tiles component is a styled div element. To change this you can use the styled components as prop:

<Tiles space={4} as="ul">

Simplified resulting DOM markup:


Default list styling has been removed from the tiles component and each child will be wrapped in a <li> if stack is a <ul> or <ol>.