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Design Tokens for Mesh have just been released!
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The Tag component is used to help users quickly recognise categories in content or allow a user to organise items using keywords. Tags can also be used as a method of filtering data, to show only items within a particular category.


npm install @nib/tag


import Tag from '@nib/tag';

Interactive demo

<Inline space={2}>
  <Tag variation="default">Tag title</Tag>
  <Tag variation="prominent">Tag title</Tag>
  <Tag variation="gentle">Tag title</Tag>
  <Tag variation="muted">Tag title</Tag>
  <Tag variation="brand">Tag title</Tag>
  <Tag variation="success">Tag title</Tag>
  <Tag variation="info">Tag title</Tag>
  <Tag variation="error">Tag title</Tag>
  <Tag variation="warning">Tag title</Tag>


variationstringThe variation of the tag which determines the tag colors. Must be one of default, prominent, gentle, muted, brand, success, info, warning or error. This prop will override the background and color props.
sizestringdefaultThe size of the tag. Must be one of small or default.
backgroundstringdefaultThe background color of the tag. See theme colorValues for valid options.
foregroundstringdefaultThe color of the tag text. See theme colorValues for valid options.
childrennodeThe children of the tag.


The colour system used to style the tags is based on the Alert component colours. When designing with data, we recommend colours map to the tags intention. For example, Red for Error, Green for Success, Yellow for Warning, Blue for Information.


It’s recommend not to capitalise tags. Labels should use sentence-style capitalisation. Keep labels to one line of concise text.


Tags come in two sizes, small and medium. Try to use the default size whenever possible. Width of tags varies based on content width. Spacing between tags in a single line should be .5rem or 8px.


We recommend using the variation prop whenever possible, as it provides predefined styles for common use cases. The background and foreground props should only be used when no suitable variation is available. If the variation prop is set, the background and foreground props are ignored.

Tags don’t support actions. For example a user cannot click, close or hover over a tag.

If a product team requires iteration with tags, please raise an issue or contact the designops team.


Because tags don’t have interation requirements. They don’t support focus, removal with a delete/backspace key or tab navigation.

Aria-labels should be applied to describe what the list of options are to the user. aria-orientation="horizontal" should be applied to a container of tags to describe the left to right direction of the tags.