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The form component is a simple styled container for our form controls. Forms should be used to collect simple data from our users. Users should be able to complete forms quickly and without confusion.


npm install @nib-components/form


import Form from '@nib-components/form';

Interactive demo

<Form id="exampleForm" name="exampleForm" title="Raise an issue" spaceChildren>
  <FormControl id="firstName" name="firstName" label="What is your name" help="We just need your first name.">
    <Textbox />
  <FormControl id="description" name="description" label="Describe your issue" help="Be as specific as you can.">
    <Textarea rows="4" />
  <FormControl id="customer" name="customer" label="Are you an nib customer?" error="Please select whether you are a customer or not">
        no: 'No',
        yes: 'Yes'
  <FormControl id="human" name="human" label="Are you human?">
    <Checkbox label="I am human" value="confirm" />
  <PrimaryButton type="submit">Submit</PrimaryButton>


id (required)stringThe form id.
name (required)stringThe form name.
titlestringThe form title.
titleComponentstring'h3'The underlying component of the Form title. Must be one of h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, div, label, span, header.
containerWidthstring'768px'The form will render with a width of 100%, with an internal container to house the fields. This prop controls the width of this internal container. To disable, set to null.
spaceChildrenbooleantrueWhether or not to apply consistent spacing to all direct children of the form.
onSubmitfunctionThe function to call on form submission.
formMode (deprecated)stringDefined by the themeCan be one of "white" or "light". Mode support has been shifted to the ModeProvider component instead of here.
isCompactbooleanfalseAdd compact styles to all child form components. All form fields will be horizontally placed in a flexbox. This should only be used for internal/dashboard/portal style applications.
formTypestringThis property determines if all the fields in the form is required or optional. Additionally, it will display the info message according to the prop value. Must be one of "optional" or "required".
hideFormTypeMessagebooleanfalseThis prop helps to hide/show the formType info message.


Forms are best used for simple data gathering and are to be avoided for complex interactions.

It is good practice to include a title for the form. This will provide further clarity about the context of data being gathered.

Use informative error messages as this will help the user to correct any information entered incorrectly.

Independent field validation is prefered for providing clearer and faster feedback to the user so that they are able to complete their goal faster.

We recommend not prefilling fields with placeholder text. Users can mistakenly think they have filled out the field and can also be frustrated when placeholders disappear once the field is entered.

The formType prop specifies whether all input fields are required or optional. This prop not only displays an informational message beneath the form title but also controld the aria-required attribute on the input fields. If the formControlType prop is set on an input field, it overrides the formType prop to determine the aria-required attribute.